If you are unable to use standard printed materials, Student Accessibility Services has resources available to help you get alternate versions.

Alternative Purchase Options

In many cases, textbooks are available for purchase online from the publisher or another source in electronic format (e.g., etextbook, Kindle, Nook, Learning Ally, Bookshare). After registering for classes, obtain a list of the textbooks required for each class from the University of Mary Bookstore.

  • Students who wish only to purchase the accessible version of a text should visit the Access Text Network.
  • For Philosophy and Theology classes texts, many of the smaller publishing houses will send you to Amazon for an electronic version of your text(s).
  • For textbooks published by Pearson, check the Vital Source Bookshelf Reader for etext versions available. If you purchase a hard copy of the book and want the etext version as well, you can email Alternate.Textbooks@pearsoned.com with the author, title, and ISBN of the book you bought — along with a copy of your receipt — and they will provide you with free access to the VitalSource eTextbook.

Procedure for Obtaining Alternative Versions through Student Accessibility Services

If the textbook is not available for purchase in electronic format or the format available is not accessible, submit a written request to Student Accessibility Services including the textbook title, author, ISBN, copyright date, publisher, and edition.

  • According to copyright law, students must purchase the physical textbook or other instructional material to receive an accessible version of the text from the Coordinator of Student Accessibilities Services.
  • Once you have purchased a print edition of the text, upload your receipt with the textbook information in an email to the Coordinator of Student Accessibilities Service. Proof of purchase is typically a copy of the receipt or charge that includes the date of purchase, title, and cost. 
  • Upon receiving the email and purchase information, the Coordinator of Student Accessibility Services will search for an accessible version of your books from the publisher or other source of alternate format texts.
  • Notify Student Accessibility Services immediately if there's a problem with the material or if you withdraw from a course that requires alternative text accommodations.

NOTICE: Alternate versions of textbooks that you receive from the Coordinator of Student Accessibility Services are meant to provide you with an accessible version of a book that you cannot purchase directly. When you request an alternate format of a textbook, you agree to the publisher’s requirement that you will:

  1. Not share, copy, loan, edit, alter, or distribute any alternate format text obtained from the Coordinator of Student Accessibility Services
  2. Delete any alternate or digital version of your book when you no longer possess the purchased or rented copy.

 Any infringement or violation of copyright law could have legal repercussions beyond the realm for you and the University.

Additional Resources

The University of Mary provides Read & Write to students free of charge. Read & Write Gold is an easy-to-use toolbar that highlights and reads text aloud and provides additional support with reading, writing, and learning.

More Details

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